Saturday, March 21, 2009

My Life As It Stands's been a while since I've posted and I've had a really good reason...."Oklahoma".... It took up most of my life for the past five/six weeks or so and even though it's over now...I'm a bit nostalgic about the whole experience because I met some amazing people there such as Luke and Leendert...They became great friends for me while doing Oklahoma and I'm glad that we won't let our friendship end there...

So, life has been a bit busy for own family complained about never seeing me enough because while they were at work...I was at University and while they were home...I was out rehearsing somewhere... guessed it..."Oklahoma"...but it ended last week Friday and now I've got time on my hands...over 140 emails to read and family to catch up with....

But what's amazing is how lucky I got this week... I've met someone amazing...who...surprise parents approve've actually known each other for quite a while and we've been acquantances for the past year and then suddenly last week Saturday at my friends gig...we just clicked and we've taken things from there...yes...I think I've found a keeper in my big Afrikaner...:) hehe

What else is new in my life....let me think about this... oh yes!!! because of "Oklahoma" and all my Oklahomies I decided not to join the Durban City Orchestra until after I was done...well...I had my first rehearsal on Monday a small orchestra...we can grow and we'll be great under Russel's baton...I loved every minute of rehearsal...including all 37 bars rest that I get as a 2nd flute hehe...oh well...I'll try keep more updated now...

Much love


Janine said...

hey girl/
finally a nice guy that got the approval!
he is a gem and you guys will be perfect so glad your back on your blog...yippeeee!!!
oklahoma is da bomb and tyrone is still talking about it...
take care and answer your emails!!!!mwa

Charlene and Co said...

Well, the Afrikaans ones are normally the best!
Good to hear life is being good to you!!
