Monday, December 22, 2008

I forgot to mention :(

I unfortunately have sad news that I forgot to I tend to do when I'm writing this I see...but...I left Scarlet Hill:( I went to the guys about 2 weeks ago and I told them I can't do the band anymore...I didn't have the time they needed from me...then "Oklahoma" landed in my lap two days ago...I feel bad for doing it...but it's experience I need in the field I want to go into...I fully support the guys no matter what and I'll still always be there for them


Yes!!! I passed first year of Varsity and I'm sporting a new look that I must say that I LOVE!!!
It's amazing though...I've already got plans for January for rehearsals for 2 orchestras and a show...I will have Durban City Orchestra rehearsals on a Monday evening, "Oklahoma" rehearsal on a Tuesday, Wednesday is my night off, Church Worship practise on a Thursday night, Friday night I'll have KZN Youth Orchestra and then Saturday afternoon is another "Oklahoma" rehearsal....and in all this...I have to include work...and in February it has to join in with Varsity... So I'm one busy little girl...but then again it keeps me out of trouble so my mom is more than just means no boyfriends for me unless I somehow meet someone on the show or at Durban City Orchestra...but then again my mom already has plans for that....but I'm keeping mum on that.

On Wednesday I'm leaving to Rustenburg for Christmas with my Dad's's an 8 hour drive...but it'll be worth it for a little bit of a holiday which will be good for the whole family...I really think we all need it...this December has been such a stressful month for work...

So for anyone going away for the Holidays, I beg you to drive safely and as the new campaign in South Africa goes...."Drive Dry"

Much love

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Scarlet Hill!!!!

Okay...forgot to mention this slight detail to everyone that's reading this...the Scarlet Hill...I'm pretty sure I mentioned this little bit of information before...but what I didn't mention is that you can check out the band on our myspace page. We even have a song up there...the song is called "When It Matters" and it features our friend Buhle...he's an awesome if you want to see pictures of the band and read up on us and hear "When It Matters" head over to

Thanks all
Much love

Friday, November 14, 2008


Hi all, it's the weekend and for many it's time for partying...wanna just say stay safe while you're out and about...My weekend is gonna be spent having fun with my bro and some friends...I'll try take some photo's and you can see what we get up to...

But unfortunately my weekend won't be just about having'll also be spent with a lot of time spent behind the piano while I'm gearing up for my piano exam next week Wednesday. It's gonna be hard, but I'm sure I'm gonna ace it... as I said, I want to prove Liesl right about me...if I can pull ten hours of flute in one weekend, I'm sure I can do the same on piano...

So stay safe every one and enjoy the weekend ahead...
Much love

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Busy Busy

Well, life's been a bit hectic for me right now with end of semester exams going on at the moment...I've just got my piano exam left, but I'm thinking it'll be my toughest by far, but when you study an instrument it does tend to be a bit of a time consuming thing to do... When I got to University they scared me and told me that I had to do a minimum of two hours a day practising just to barely pass!!! I couldn't believe my ears...Now I understand the point.

My piano has improved quite a bit with the help of Liesl (my piano teacher), she's such an amazing pianist and she sees so much possibility in me that I can't help, but want to prove her right(if you met her you'd understand why)...then there's can really go at you when she wants...but she's improved my flute as well..thinking back to my tone and sound...and basically everything about my flute playing...she basically picked everything up for me...guess that's what they're there for...just didn't realise I could be pushed so hard on the flute...Sabine almost expects out of me as much as if I was playing flute as a first practical instrument rather than a second, but I guess it's because all her students before me were first practical.

Now, I'm not just a classical student at University, I'm also in a band here at home.We're called Scarlet Hill and I play the keyboard. It's not overly hard things to play, but because of my calssical background it sometimes is a bit hard to come up with something on the keyboard that goes and we really don't want to end up sounding like Muse so we try our best to avoid that from happening. There's four of us in the band; Bruce, our vocalist and bassist, David, our guitarist and Bryn, our drummer. It's always awesome to be around those guys, except they make me feel old...maybe because I'm the oldest at the age of 19 and yet I also somehow pull off being the shortest in the band...oh well...