Yes!!! I passed first year of Varsity and I'm sporting a new look that I must say that I LOVE!!!
It's amazing though...I've already got plans for January for rehearsals for 2 orchestras and a show...I will have Durban City Orchestra rehearsals on a Monday evening, "Oklahoma" rehearsal on a Tuesday, Wednesday is my night off, Church Worship practise on a Thursday night, Friday night I'll have KZN Youth Orchestra and then Saturday afternoon is another "Oklahoma" rehearsal....and in all this...I have to include work...and in February it has to join in with Varsity... So I'm one busy little girl...but then again it keeps me out of trouble so my mom is more than just means no boyfriends for me unless I somehow meet someone on the show or at Durban City Orchestra...but then again my mom already has plans for that....but I'm keeping mum on that.
On Wednesday I'm leaving to Rustenburg for Christmas with my Dad's's an 8 hour drive...but it'll be worth it for a little bit of a holiday which will be good for the whole family...I really think we all need it...this December has been such a stressful month for work...
So for anyone going away for the Holidays, I beg you to drive safely and as the new campaign in South Africa goes...."Drive Dry"
Much love