Friday, February 4, 2011

Registration DONE!!!!


I am finally a registered fourth year Bachelor of music student...let the fun times begin...took me another 5 hours but I got there...

And as my mother kindly pointed out...I missed one word in my last post...his nose was broken...

Tonight is Nelson's weigh-in so tonight we see his opponent and it's changed again. The second time his opponent changed this week. But hopefully it won't change again tonight coz then that just sucks and plays tricks on a person. I can't wait for tomorrow night to be over, I need it to be done. The fight needs to come and go.

And then, university starts next week and my life returns back to normal, just less lectures which I like the sound of, but I know it's going to be a lot more work, but at the end of the day... the degree is worth it all.

So that's just my little update and life continues...

Much love...


1 comment:

Sharon & George said...

Proud of your achievements. Love you.